The Endocannabinoid System
Our body is currently producing cannabinoids by itself, these are know as endocannabinoids. Due to the fact that these are naturally produced, the body already has a system for dealing with the signals it gets from cannabinoids introduced called the endocannabinoid systems (ECS). This systems will regulate our bodily finctions, such as; appetite, mood, pain, sleep, and other responses from our immune system.
There are two receptors in the ECS and they are CBD1 and CB2 receptors. The CBD1 receptors are normally located in the nervous systems. However, some can be found in the kidneys, lungs, or liver. These receptors interact with neurotransmitters and affect sensations such as appetite, concentration, and many more.
The CBD2 receptors differ from CBD1 receptors as they play a large role in the immune system. These receptors have a hand in modulating the pain sensation along with other immune responses. CBD as a whole will work with these reseotirs and activate or inhibit other compounds.